1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A L3075 L3083 L3091 L3099 L3107 L3115 L3123 L3131 L3139 L3147 L3155 L3163
B L3076 L3084 L3092 L3100 L3108 L3116 L3124 L3132 L3140 L3148 L3156 L3164
C L3077 L3085 L3093 L3101 L3109 L3117 L3125 L3133 L3141 L3149 L3157 L3165
D L3078 L3086 L3094 L3102 L3110 L3118 L3126 L3134 L3142 L3150 L3158 L3166
E L3079 L3087 L3095 L3103 L3111 L3119 L3127 L3135 L3143 L3151 L3159 L3167
F L3080 L3088 L3096 L3104 L3112 L3120 L3128 L3136 L3144 L3152 L3160 L3168
G L3081 L3089 L3097 L3105 L3113 L3121 L3129 L3137 L3145 L3153 L3161 L3169
H L3082 L3090 L3098 L3106 L3114 L3122 L3130 L3138 L3146 L3154 L3162 L3170

The Princeton biomek robot was used to fill this plate on 2016-09-21 Wednesday

L3127(E7) is APCL14_436 from Wangag, matches to  APCL15_372744 from Palanas, came D3284 (A6) of D3247-D3339

L3128 (F7) is APCL14_088 caught in Palanas, matches APCL13_654 caught in Magbangon, from D3247-D3339

L3141 (C9)  is APCL14_343 from Wangag matches to  APCL15_401656 from Palanas, came from D3254 (B2) in D3247-D3339

L3154 (H10) is APCL14_384 from Wangag, matches to APCL15_405940 from Palanas, came from D3258 (F2) of D3247-D3339