The Princeton biomek robot was used to fill this plate on 2016-09-21 Wednesday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A L2979 L2987 L2995 L3003 L3011 L3019 L3027 L3035 L3043 L3051 L3059 L3067
B L2980 L2988 L2996 L3004 L3012 L3020 L3028 L3036 L3044 L3052 L3060 L3068
C L2981 L2989 L2997 L3005 L3013 L3021 L3029 L3037 L3045 L3053 L3061 L3069
D L2982 L2990 L2998 L3006 L3014 L3022 L3030 L3038 L3046 L3054 L3062 L3070
E L2983 L2991 L2999 L3007 L3015 L3023 L3031 L3039 L3047 L3055 L3063 L3071
F L2984 L2992 L3000 L3008 L3016 L3024 L3032 L3040 L3048 L3056 L3064 L3072
G L2985 L2993 L3001 L3009 L3017 L3025 L3033 L3041 L3049 L3057 L3065 L3073
H L2986 L2994 L3002 L3010 L3018 L3026 L3034 L3042 L3050 L3058 L3066 L3074

L2984 (F1) is APCL14_302, flagged because there was some confusion as to which fin clip was placed in the vial (302, 304, 305?).    L2984 came from D3290 (G6) of D3247-D3339

L2988 (B2)  is APCL13_447 from Palanas,  matches to  APCL14_447 from Wangag, D3264 came from well D3 of plate D3247-D3339

L3033 (G7) is APCL13_042 from Poroc Rose, matches to APCL15_371404 from Visca, D3251 came from well 1E in plate D3247-D3339

L3021 (C6) is APCL13_654 from Magbangon, matches to APCL14_088  from Palanas, D3255 came from well C2 of D3247-D3339