2018-05-22 Tuesday - Added A1 - G1 to D5501-D5573 - these hadn’t been quantified before (I think the ones plate had a standards problem when the rest of the plate was quantified), quantified them on 2018-05-21 Monday using normal qubit method and manually added the quants to the extract table in the database.
upper left corner didn’t appear to travel, same issue we’ve had before but seems to be affecting only the 9 left most wells, going to count any color as a band, going to say all samples have bands even though A1-4 and B1-4 are questionable.
Extracted 2018-01-26 Friday - lysed fins were all completely lysed, no strange goop, all lids had remained sealed during incubation and spinning
Loaded fin clips on 2018-01-24 Wednesday - removed from incubator at 2:30pm the next day, all vials were still sealed, no fins left un-lysed.