Attempting to run freebayes using the command line instead of dDocent because we are still experiencing memory creep
November 9, 2016
Apparently, last time I ran freebayes from the command line, I created a script called
michelles 2016-11-09 15:25:07 APCL_analysis $ mkdir 17-03seq_cmdline
Create symlinks for all of the files:
ln -s ../../17seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../16seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../15seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../13seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../12seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../09seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../08seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../07seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../05seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../04seq/samples/APCL* ./
ln -s ../../03seq/samples/APCL* ./
michelles 2016-11-09 15:37:10 17-03seq_cmdline $ nohup sh ../scripts/
Jon sent an email saying that this isn’t the best solution and recommended trying a different way. Will try once this run finishes
November 10, 2016
dDocent failed because there is no cov.stats file.
Where does cov.stats come from?
if [ "cat-RRG.bam"-nt"cov.stats" ];then coverageBed -abam cat-RRG.bam -b mapped.bed -counts > cov.stats fi |
adding to the script
commented out the lines that have already run
ran nohup sh ../scripts/ at 7:21AM on 11-10-2016