Also known as seq21
Copying Jupiter notebook over to R notebook so it can be seen here:
checked /data, there should be plenty of room to run dDocent. Might have been a memory issue because SEQ30 and SEQ31 dDocents were running at the same time.
Run dDocent again, trim, map, call SNPs - started at 1:00pm, finished at 10pm
Move process radlogs to logs folder
Imported the read stats to the db
Rename samples
Find regenotyped samples
Cat the regenotyped samples
Move the regenos
ran dDocent on the /data drive. Stopped midway because ran out of space -waiting for space issue to be resolved
with the notebook in the bcsplit folder, cat the bcsplit output using the command lines from the cat_all file
Process radiates with command lines from process_all
it looks like lane 2 failed to download yesterday. Restart notebook from Princeton download cells. (lane1, lane2)
started bcsplit at 8:43am
received email from Princeton that data were ready
copied Jupyter notebook from seq29
moved files over from princeton
started bcsplitter
Bioanalyzer of seq came back that it was only 1.1nM - check the math in the seq_prep file. - recalculating shows conc is 25.89nM. I unintentionally diluted that to send to sequencer.