- finished filtering, then determined that we should filter all samples together, not by seq.
- found 1 regeno, catted, and moved
- created the master total raw snps doc for combining all samples (all_raw_snps.vcf) - All samples filtering
- Added read stats to SEQ29 db
- pooled 3 baits into seq Ron
- Cleaned and quantified
- Diluted to 10nM - 30 seq (13nM) + 0 pH2O - did not dilute
- Sent for sequencing
Indexes in this seq are 1-12
Bioanalyzer of seq came back that it was only 1.1nM - check the math in the seq_prep file. - recalculating shows conc is 4.6nM. I unintentionally diluted that to send to sequencer.
SEQ29 did not have sequences for all of the contigs:
Jupyter notebook for sequence processing:
Jupyter notebook for sequence filtering: